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Tae Kwon Do
1732 Sheridan Avenue | | Cody, WY 82414 | | (307) 527-5425

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What is Chung Do Kwan?

In 1947, a gentleman by the name of Won Kuk Yi (Lee) founded a unique method of teaching Tae Kwon Do to a group of students rather than one on one. He called his method of teaching Chung Do Kwan, which can be translated several ways, such as The Great Blue Wave and many other translations relating to man’s first source of power- the force of water. However, the author prefers to use the translation “A mighty wave smashing against a rocky shore” meaning the power of water striking against any living or lifeless form on earth will win. Today Chung Do Kwan is one of Korea’s strongest Tae Kwon Do training systems, and Mr. Won Kuk Yi has been titled a Great Grand Master and Founder, and is presently retired in the US acting only as an advisor in the world movement of Tae Kwon Do. There are eight other styles of teaching Tae Kwon Do recognized by the World Tae Kwon Do Federation in Seoul, Korea.
In 1967, the author founded the American branch of the Tae Kwon Do Chung Do Kwan Association, with the emphasis on strict dicipline, shifting of body weight at the point of impact and many teaching techniques that would inspire the American student. In a very short time he realized that he had created the beginning of a “scale model” Tae Kwon Do/Karate institute that would be responsible for high standards throughout the Eastern part of the United States. In the late 1960’s and early 1970’s many schools attempted to imitate the teaching methods that the American founder created, but failed, due to lack of leadership ability.

-Grand Master Edward B. Sell